Just Shoot Me

I have to admit, this ad is effective in its own way, but PLEASE STOP! Nothing is more galling to progressives that lived through the Reagan era than the deifying of the man that has occurred since he left office.

Reagan was not responsible for the fall of the Soviet Union; the Soviets were -- by stupidly spending their nation into near bankruptcy by overspending on military expenditures they couldn't afford (among other things). Sound familiar?

Reagan carved the words "tax and spend liberal" into the media granite while racking up the highest deficits of any President in history. Sound familiar?

And Reagan was a public embarrassment for much of his time in office. Remember the great line about trees emitting most of the carbon dioxide in the air? Remember catsup as a vegetable in school lunches? Sound familiar?

And Reagan was another Republican who couldn't let little things like the law stand in the way of what he wanted to do oversees, like sell weapons to Nicaraguan terrorists, oops, I mean, Freedom Fighters. Sound familiar?

And the Reagan administration was also full of people who were never held accountable because....... they couldn't remember! Sound familiar?

And only Reagan had Alzheimer's disease; the rest were just liars.

So now Obama is going to sell himself to the American people by comparing himself to Reagan?!

Just shoot me, please?

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