I'm Back and Pissed

I have been on a self-imposed moratorium from the news for a week. Other than a quick glance at the NY Times front page at Starbucks one day, which sent me into immediate shrieks of rage, I refused to allow the outrage that masquerades as our government interfere with a planned vacation with the womenfriends of my life. My aforementioned reaction to what I did get a glimpse of only reinforced that decision.

So I leave gasping about the bailout of AIG, which came on the heels of the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which came of the heels of the bailout of Bear Stearns, and I come back to THIS?!

The legislation being moved forward by the Administration is breathtaking in the scope of power being shifted to the Secretary of the Treasury. The bill essentially undermines the entire "power of the purse" granted to the Legislative branch and cedes it to an Executive Appointee!

I will definitely have more the say about this when I've had a chance to catch up.

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