Just Don't

This has gotten completely out of hand

And this, from a writer at Pam’s House Blend, is no better.

Let me be clear, because I know that I have readers leaning in this direction.


Once upon a time, I voted third party. Barry Commoner, 1980, when Ronald Reagan first ran against Carter’s re-election. I was a Ralph Nader apostle at that time, incensed by the nuclear energy issue, and was so disgusted by the two party system that I minimized the outcome I was contributing to.

I was wrong. I did not believe that the American people would elect this second-rate actor as President, and I failed to imagine what a disaster the Reagan presidency would be, or how long lasting its impact.

And in 2000, when Nader himself ran against Gore, I defended those who chose to vote for him. I didn’t myself (having learned at least SOMETHING from my earlier mistake), but I was mad at Gore for running to the right and felt that those who chose to exercise their franchise that way were perfectly justified in doing so.

Not this time.

My vote in 1980 helped give our country to Reagan. Nader’s voters in 2000 (with help from a partisan Supreme Court) helped transfer it to Bush – who expanded the Reagan tradition of lying to the American people. Except that this time it wasn’t a covert and illegal war in Nicaragua, it was an open and never-ending war in Iraq. And Bush/Cheney have built on Reagan’s go-it-alone Executive Power in ways we could never have imagined.

How can anyone seriously consider doing this again?

The Supreme Court is at stake here people. My reproductive rights, among other incidental things, like voting rights, the reasonable ability for women and others to fight blatant discrimination, and the planet. Do we really need more evidence to understand what another right-wing appointee will do to this Court?

War with Iran is at stake. Not only does McCain seem committed to the same disasterous policy in Iraq, but he also appears cavalier about expanding the war into Iran. The blood of more U.S. soldiers, not to mention countless civilians in the middle east, is on your hands if this man is elected. How can any sane person even consider it?

Let no one misunderstand me, I have LOTS of issues with how this campaign season has played out. Obama has won this nomination largely on the pledged delegates from caucus states that will NEVER vote democratic in the general election (in a deeply flawed and undemocratic system,) and all his supporters who are crowing now would be well advised to take a clear-headed look at the electoral map prospects, since we – as a people – declined to take on THAT undemocratic system after the last two debacles.

But if I believe the system to be flawed, and if I believe that it needs to be changed, then it is my responsibility to work to change it. Registering a “protest” vote is not only cheap and easy, but – this time – the consequence Can be imagined.

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