The only good thing about being an obscure blog is that I can probably get away with things that others would be busted for, like posting copywrited material without paying for rights.
Having said that, my rationale is that I have been wanting to comment on the pathetic bottom that the McCain campaign has hit lately in their attacks on Obama, but it has gotten so bad that even some in the MSM are actually commenting on it, and I have a busy life.
So instead, I'm going to reprint a Calvin Trillin ditty from almost two years ago, when we got our first glimpse of the depths McCain was willing to sink to. And Trillin nails it. Though he was commenting on a long-forgotten whoring on McCain's part, it seems even more prescient today:
This article appeared in the June 12, 2006 edition of The Nation.On John McCain's Willingness to Speak at Jerry Falwell's University
May 25, 2006
McCain was his own man, that's what was thought--
A man who spoke his mind, a man who'd fought
A war and suffered mightily, in fact,
But toughed it out. His honor was intact.
On certain issues, he would hold his ground
No matter where the party line was found.
This man seemed strong and fiercely independent,
And that's what caused his star to be ascendant.
As was his way, McCain displayed no fears
Replying to those Carolina smears."
An agent of intolerance" was what
He labeled Falwell, Karl Rove's favorite nut.
But now, discerning where his future lies,
He kowtows to this nut he must despise.
Yes, presidential fever's got him now.
To old McCain, alas, we must say ciao.
That independent man is gone for good.
What torture couldn't do ambition could.
By Calvin Trillin
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